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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Improve playing performance #3


The ultimate mind tool

Back in the day the term "meditation" was closely related to a specific person profile. When we heard someone talking about meditation we instantly thought that this person is mentally challenged in one way or another, or that he/she is a hippy or something like that.

Today everything has already changed, the concept of meditation has been widely accepted by people and scientifically tested as a medical treatment for psychological and mental illnesses.

What everyone calls mindfulness (mindfulness meditation) is a new concept (yet it already existed more than 2000 years ago) that teaches us exercises that improve well being, physical health and mental health.

Image rights to Unknown Source

Meditation is the combination of all exercises I tought you previously, merged in 1 supreme discipline. Enhances concentration, calmness, decission making, information processing... it's the definitive mind tool, if mastered.

Meditate in a dialy basis, and you will not only be healthier, but your attitude towards everything will be better, you won't get angry so easy, you will not feel frustrated so often, that's because meditating is closely related with the flow state we've talked about in one of my past ARTICLES, and we know that during this type of state of mind our brain produces "anandamide" which is like a natural marijuana, we'll in fact be less moody and hot-tempered, and more adaptable to changes.

Like the flow state, mindfulness meditation is defined by a cyclic process too.

Follow this simple exercise to get started with meditation, it's closely related to what we've been seeing until now from the past articles, but we'll focus on a "mantra" instead of focusing on our breath.

Sit in a comfortable position, with your back straight, and relax. Think of a mantra, which is a word, a group of words, or something that you can silently say to yourself.

I will use my favorite group of words; "Rise and shine", you can use it if it's meaningful to you and helps you concentrate.

Close your eyes, and repeat your mantra, which is simply a totem to keep you focused, away from distractions.

If you check the image above as reference, you start focusing in your mantra, allow thoughts to come and go, you'll get distracted, don't worry, but as soon as you realize that you're distracted, let that thought go, focus, and keep meditating concentrated in your mantra.

As you get better meditating you'll start being more aware of your body, your emotions, and you'll be able to focus on the very right moment you're living, ignoring the past and the future.

The key for being successful in a mindfulness meditation session is not avoid getting distracted, but letting go. I know it sounds a bit ambiguous, but it's everything about the present, if you feel frustrated because you just lost a game, embrace the frustration, and let it go, it's that simple... or not.

Thanks for reading!

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